Popular Fitness Blog

Need  To Exercise At All Ages

It's never too late to begin exercising or to exercise. Ideally you should begin exercising when you are young and continue throughout your life. Once you stop, for many people it becomes difficult to get back into it and for most people, they gain weight as a result. Just yesterday, I heard about a recent study in the news that concluded that seniors who exercise will not get Alzheimer's disease.

Another point is that many children these days are over-weight due to a lack of exercise. Instead of taking part in sports, be it organized or not, they are in front of their video games. Technology in today's society is great but can be detrimental to our health. Also, if parents don't exercise, this sends a negative message to the kids. The point I'm trying to make is that when parents exercise and live a healthy lifestyle this sends a positive message to your kids and reinforces the need to exercise for all age groups.

I know it may be hard to begin exercising or you try every year and then quit. In these cases you really need some expert fitness guidance and advice. 

Posted on: Tuesday January 17, 2006




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