Oats (Oatmeal) with Fresh Pineapple and Yogurt

Healthy Breakfast Alternative

Back to the healthy basics. Quick and simple to make meals can be extremely nutritious for you! Preparing healthy meals does not need to be very time-consuming or even very expensive.

Oats cooked or microwaved in milk with or without water is a much healthier alternative to the traditional breakfast cereals that tend to contain a lot of sugar and sodium. Most people have forgotten about the incredible benefits of oats (see below). Combined with plain white yogurt, you got an incredibly healthy meal to start off your day.

This oatmeal recipe I made with:

but of course you can use any measurements that youi like. For the fruit you could also use such healthy alternatives as strawberries (see below) or blueberries, whichever fruit is in season.

This breakfast is high in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals plus other antioxidants. It provides you with a lot of energy to start of the day without the high sugar, salt and fat.

Oats with milk, plain white yogurt, pineapple for a healthy breakfast - Photo by popular fitness

Here are some of the health benefits of this breakfast meal:


Plain White Yogurt (or plain Greek Yogurt)




Same oatmeal breakfast but using strawberries instead:

Oatmeal cooked in milk with added plain yogurt and fresh strawberries - Photo by popular fitness