Incline Dumbbell Chest Press Exercise

Incline dumbbell chest press by LL Cool J with the help of a spotter
Incline dumbbell chest press exercise done by LL Cool J with the help of a spotter from LL Cool J's Platinum workout

Using dumbbells to do any chest press exercise provides you with the greatest range of motion possible compared to weight training machines. Using dumbbells is also the cheapest way to create an effective home gym because all you need is a set of dumbbells and a weight training adjustable bench. The only drawbacks are that if you work out with very heavy weights, you may need a spotter to help you or it may be difficult at times to raise heavier weight dumbbells to the starting position compared with weight machines.

Regardless, I also do recommend that you use chest press exercise machines because they have their unique benefits: they add variation and a change of pace to your weight training workout, preventing boredom and your muscles from getting used to the same movement and workout routine.

Here is how to do the incline chest press using 2 dumbbells and a wide-grip (a standard grip):

This is how to do the basic incline dumbbell press. This exercise can become very technical, but doing it in its basic form is just fine. The keys to doing this strength training exercise are to do it safely and with good form. Also, use weights that you are comfortable with and use a range of motion that your body type will safely allow.

Another incline variation of this exercise is the close-grip incline chest press.