Creatine Monohydrate Supplement - Benefits and Use

Man doing bench press chest exercise at the gym
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Creatine is a crucial supplement to take when enjoying any exercise activity, particularly when weight training or doing any form of strength training.

What is Creatine

Creatine is a combination of 3 different amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine as well as 3 enzymes. It is an important component in how your body creates its primary form of energy in muscle cells.

Creatine that is in your body is created in the liver and kidneys and the majority of it is stored in muscle tissue. It can also be easily obtained through a diet that contains animal products like beef or through supplementation, especially for vegans.

Studies over decades of creatine use (creatine supplementation has now been used by athletes both amateur and professional for a very long time) shows improvements in strength, power, muscle size, fatigue resistance, and overall body composition when people who regularly strength train also take creatine.

How to Use Creatine

A recommended dosage of 5 grams per day (a small scoop of creatine monohydrate) Amazon ad for supplement text ad is what I consume). I like to add it to my whey isolate or vegan protein powder along with a tablespoon of probiotic yogurt (helps with better absorption of creatine and it is more convenient). I will consume it right after a workout on workout days or during the day on off-workout days. It is also safe to take daily, no need to discontinue its use after a period of time of use.

Benefits of Taking Creatine:

As you can see there are a lot of potential benefits of creatine but of course it's also contingent on other lifestyle factors such as: proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep and reduction of stress.

Myths About Creatine

In the video below, Dr. Naomi Albertson dispels clearly and in great detail the following myths about taking creatine:

Medical Point of View of Creatine

This video explains everything you need to know about creatine in a concise and clear manner supported with medical studies and facts from the medical point of view of a sports medicine doctor, family physician:

Sources: - 10 Benefits of Using Creatine concisely explained in more detail in this article.