Hidden Health Concerns You Should Not Ignore

A couple trying to sleep.

Everyday aches and pains are one thing, but if something is bothering you and it won’t go away, it’s time to see a doctor. Here are a few hidden health concerns you shouldn’t ignore; don’t panic, but take good care of yourself!

Neck Stiffness

Discomfort and stiffness in the neck are common. Usually, we can attribute these symptoms to poor posture. But if you take steps to correct your posture and your neck is still bothering you, seek medical help. That persistent pain and stiffness could be a symptom of a degenerative cervical spinal disorder. These disorders are also common, and if they’re left untreated, they can lead to permanent nerve damage.

Severe Menstrual Cramps

If you have periods, you know they can be painful. You can expect a certain amount of cramping. However, if those cramps immobilize you, or if you’re losing so much blood that you feel dizzy, visit the doctor ASAP. Cramps that leave you doubled over in pain aren’t normal. Tell your gynecologist about your symptoms. Those cramps could be a sign of endometriosis, a condition in which uterine-like tissue grows outside the uterus and can’t exit your body during menstruation.


If you snore, don’t dismiss it as a mere annoyance! Snoring can wake other people up, but it can also take its toll on your own health. Heavy snorers are at higher risk of developing sleep apnea —which means that, many times throughout the night, you stop breathing. When you lose oxygen at repeated intervals throughout the night, you increase your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart failure.

Personality Changes

Are you simply not who you used to be? Are your loved ones suddenly noticing increased irritability, forgetfulness, or mood swings? If this abrupt change in personality doesn’t follow a major life change, your brain may be trying to tell you something. You may be experiencing the onset of a mental health concern, like anxiety or bipolar disorder. These changes can also be signs of physical problems like malnutrition or a thyroid condition.

If you notice these problems or any others making a persistent appearance in your life, consult a doctor right away. It could be nothing—or it could be the onset of a chronic condition. Keep these hidden health concerns you shouldn’t ignore in mind as you take inventory of your body and mind.