The Best Fitness Goals for Beginners

Woman exercising to an online exercise program on her laptop

Once you’ve summoned up the motivation and drive to exercise and get into shape, the next step is figuring out how to focus that effort. Just doing random exercises isn’t very good for making significant progress, and not having any kind of goal to work toward will quickly kill your motivation. So, to help you figure out the right exercises for you, here are some of the best fitness goals for beginners to try.

Losing Weight

By far the most common fitness goal, this is a typical and good place for beginners to start their fitness journey. This goal will help you learn and commit to adjustments in your lifestyle and develop the self-discipline necessary for sticking to an exercise routine or a diet that will pay off down the road when you start more intensive workout routines. However, maybe you’re already at a healthy weight, and you’re just interested in working out to build muscle or increase your stamina. If so, let’s look at another goal.

Developing Your Abs

Who doesn’t want a six-pack? Developing your abs is one of the best fitness goals for beginners because a six-pack is so coveted by all fitness enthusiasts. By focusing on a particular aspect of your body, you will learn how to tailor an exercise routine toward certain groups of muscles and how different exercises have varying benefits to yield the best results possible in an efficient manner. Habits you learn while developing your abs will carry into the future when you have new goals and are practicing new exercises, making your workouts more efficient and easier for you to grasp.

Become More Flexible

If you have trouble bending your joints, then perhaps the perfect goal for you to start with is one that can help you become more flexible and limber. This will take you down the path of exercises like yoga that will help you stay spry and loosen up your joints so that your body can tolerate a wider range of motions with far less pain. This goal has a bit more of a preventative focus than an improvement one, as flexibility will help you maintain your functionality later in life.

fitness programs and exercise programs