Helpful Tips for Beginning Regular Exercise

Beautiful woman in her workout clothing boxing, exercising.

Whether your goal is losing weight or maintaining your health, exercise is key. However, working out can often seem daunting, especially if you’re a beginner. No matter where you’re starting, there are so many ways to incorporate exercise into your routine. Here are some helpful tips for beginning regular exercise so that you can begin including exercise into your day.

Establish a Routine

To begin exercising regularly, you must first establish a routine. You’ll want to set aside dedicated time windows to complete your workouts. There’s a lot of research on the ideal time of the day you should work out, but what really matters is the time that best fits into your schedule. If you wake up early for work or school, try hitting the gym in the evening and see how you feel. Or maybe you’re a morning person and you’d prefer to have your sweat sesh before you start your day—that works, too! No matter what time you choose to exercise, have fun with it.


Perhaps the most important part of improving your health is your nutrition. Some people say that getting fit has more to do with your diet than your exercise routine. Generally, you can lose weight without exercise, but you must fuel your body with healthy foods to keep up with your daily activities and to have energy throughout your workout routines.


An important part of your workout routine includes wearing something that not only feels snug but also really makes you feel good. There are lots of comfortable workout clothing options, from leggings and shorts to tanks and T-shirts. When you feel good about what you’re wearing, working out comes easier.

Overall, there are many ways to implement an exercise routine into your life. Considering a few of these helpful tips for beginning exercise regularly will help you know where to start. Whether you’re working out every day, every other day, or even just three times a week, you’ll feel better and more confident knowing you’re taking care of your body on a regular basis. So grab your water and some tunes and get out there!