Sole F80 Treadmill Review

The Sole F80 treadmill has been out for a number of years and has a solid reputation for being a quality machine that requires very low maintenance. In fact, it is one of the best values at the $1,500 price range, which is a very competitive price point. This treadmill is geared for runners and it is designed to take a beating. What you won't find on the Sole F80 treadmill is a bunch of bells of and whistles. What you will find is a running machine that offers a very satisfactory cardio workout.

I've been out to the Sole Treadmill corporate headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah a couple of times, and I have talked to the upper management about their individual products and their corporate strategy. The company’s focus is to offer the most durable treadmills at a value price.

What you get on the Sole F80 Treadmill...

I've been in the treadmill industry for over 15 years. In my Sole F80 Treadmill Review, I rank it a best buy for many of the reasons listed above. It also is the treadmill I most frequently recommend when people contact me for advice.

Here is what I consider one of the best testimonial for the Sole F80 treadmill. I was talking to one of the sales people at Dick's Sporting Goods. I asked, out of the many treadmill brands, which was the one he recommended the most. He stated, "Without question the Sole treadmills. Just get on one and compare it to the other brand we sell. It is like night and day." He was right.

Review by Fred Waters, author of the Treadmill Ratings and Reviews site.