Abdominal Crunch with Leg Extension

A how to video and text description of the abdominal crunch with a leg extension exercise for the abdominals and lower back

This is a variation of an ab crunch that I like to call the abdominal crunch with a leg extension exercise. It's an excellent exercise that works your entire abdominals as well as strengthening your lower back.

It's a floor exercise that you can perform anywhere with no extra equipment. I tried to describe on the following included video everything you need to do to perform this exercise effectively. In case I missed any points or I didn't make myself clear enough, check out my text description below.

Also, I like to do this exercise once per week, 1 set with 24 repetitions and fairly slowly.

Here's how to do this exercise:

Here is the short video demonstrating how to perform this exercise. Since it’s difficult to talk and perform this exercise at the same time, the above description should complement my video.