Kettlebell Workout Training for Beginners

kettlebell swings exercise done by 2 people Kettlebell swing exercise photo courtesy of Pixabay

Although kettlebells have become increasingly popular in recent years, they have actually been around since the early 1700s. Having the appearance of a bowling ball with a handle, kettlebells are a great way to become stronger and leaner, as well as more toned and flexible. Additionally, because kettlebell exercises incorporate a lot of movement along with the weight, you will be getting additional cardiovascular benefits as well, which is great for losing weight. To learn how to lose weight and tone up with kettlebell exercise, you must first consider the correct weight for your kettlebell and the right moves to perform.

Starting Out

Kettlebells are available in a variety of weights and a beginner should aim for about four to six pounds to start with. There is always the opportunity to go heavier once your body has adjusted, but using too much weight at the beginning could cause injuries. Before starting any exercise, always start out with at least a five-minute warm up. Jumping jacks, running in place, jumping rope and windmills are some good ways to prime your body for your routine. As always, consult with your doctor before considering how to lose weight with kettle bells and exercise according to any physical limitations you may have.

The Double Arm Swing - 2 Arm Swing

Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out to the side. Hold the kettlebell in both hands at waist level. Raise the kettle bell to shoulder height as you exhale, and then swing it down between your legs as you inhale. Repeat this movement, just pausing at the starting position. Be sure to bend your knees into a full squat and lean forward slightly to protect your back.

The Slingshot

Begin the slingshot with your feet about hip-width apart and engage your abdominal muscles. Hold the kettlebell in one hand, hanging by your side. Then begin passing the kettle bell from one hand to the other in a circle around your body.

The Lunge Press

Begin by holding the kettlebell in both hands at chest height, standing tall with your abdominals engaged and shoulders relaxed. Lunge forward with one leg, without bending your knee past your toes, and raise the kettlebell overhead, with your arms up straight. Return to the starting position.

The Single Arm Row

For this move, you will need to use the back of a chair or another stationary object. Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart. With one hand on the back of the chair, bend forward from your hips keeping a slight bend in your knees, back straight and abdominals engaged. Hold the kettle bell in one hand, allowing it to hang down perpendicular to the floor. Bend your elbow as you raise the kettle bell to your side at your chest, pinching your shoulder blades together.

The Roll Up

Begin by lying on a mat with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Hold the kettle bell in both hands with your arms extended straight up toward the ceiling. Using your abdominals, slowly roll up until your arms are between your knees and parallel to the floor. Slowly roll back down to the starting position.

The Deadlift

Begin this exercise with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. With your feet shoulder-width apart, hinge forward at the hips keeping a slight bend in your knees and your back straight. Grasp the handle of the kettlebell, engage your abdominal muscles, and stand up straight, lifting the kettlebell as you straighten.

Putting It All Together

One of the best parts of knowing each individual exercise is the opportunity to create your own unique routine. This gives you the chance to focus on any trouble areas, which is helpful when your goal is losing weight. When looking to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise and proper nutrition are crucial, but strength training is equally important. Strength training adds muscle, which burns more calories, even when the workout is over. A strength training program should not, however, be done every single day. Aim for two or three days per week to perform your kettlebell exercise routine. Also, give yourself about 20 seconds between each exercise to recover.

A Sample Routine for Beginners

When beginning a kettlebell workout, take some extra time to focus on your form; this will prevent injuries and make your routine much more effective. With the proper form, the right moves, and one kettlebell, you will not only be losing weight, adding variety to your workouts but you'll also be gaining muscle and having fun.

Note: The above links to 2 of these exercises don't use kettlebells, but the way to do the exercises with kettlebells is the same.